Thursday, February 28, 2013

Beginning work with our new architects

On Monday , February 25 the Board of Trustees and I met with our new architects to review the new Building Program. The excitement is building now that we have begun work on the schematic design of the new building. We expect the new building to include more seating, more windows overlooking the pond, small and a large meeting room, a children's activity room, an expanded archive area, a modest coffee service, more seating with access to electricity for laptop and tablet users among other things.

If you have not yet attended any our Saturday winter music programs this is your invitation to join in the fun. The music begins on Saturdays at 1pm and continues through the afternoon.

Thanks to Stephanie Foster for sharing her Dune Experience photographs with us for the month of February!


I'm reading Bill Bryson's At Home and Tracy Chevalier's Last Runaway